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Learning Resource Centre: Premier's Reading Challenge

Each year MacRob’s Year 9 students are enrolled in the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. This is a government initiative designed to challenge individual students to read more and promote a love of reading. Each student who meets the challenge receives a certificate of achievement from the Premier of Victoria. 

Visit the Premiers' Reading Challenge website for more information.

PRC @ Mac.Rob

Not only do all Year 9 students participate in the state-wide challenge, but an inter-form competition is held:

The form that engages the most and creates the best reviews and creative responses wins! The winning prize includes one day at the Melbourne Writers' Festival Schools Program, a free lunch, and their form name engraved on the perpetual trophy proudly displayed in the LRC.

Finding books

Not sure what books are on the Year 9-10 PRC reading list? We have put a special PRC sticker on every book in the collection that is on the list. 

There is also an iPad on the notice board that suggests good PRC selections.

If you're still not sure, you can have a look at the whole list yourself: 

Form Prizes

Win book vouchers for your whole class              Win a free Luncheon                                              Name on the trophy!

Creative Responses

Form Winners 9C                                                   Individual Winner from 9E                                  PRC Literary Wall



          Need Help?

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    Please Note

           No food is permitted in the LRC, and bags

           must be left outside in your locker.

           Mobile phones are to be kept on silent.  

           Thank you for helping us maintain the LRC

           as a place of quality study and meaningful recreation :)



Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm


Closed during all assemblies and holidays



+61 03 9864 7742

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Created by Michelle De Aizpurua