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Learning Resource Centre: FAQ


What is the name of the library printers?
Select 'Find Me Mono' for black and white printing. 
Select 'Find me Colour' for colour printing.

How do I check how much printing credit I have?
If you come to the library desk, one of the librarians can look up how much printing credit you have. 

How do I top up my printing credit?
You can purchase extra printing credit at the library circulation desk. You can buy a $5 or $10 printing voucher from one of the librarians. Please note that we do not take cash, so you must pay by bank card. Unfortunately, we cannot let you pay with your mobile phone!

Can I do binding and laminating in the library?
Yes, the library can provide you with binding and laminating materials and we can show you how to use the binder and the laminator. You will, however, have to pay for the cost of these materials. Binding costs $1 per booklet. Laminating costs 50 cents for each A4 page, and $1.60 for each A3 page. 

What technology equipment can I borrow from the library?
You can borrow laptops, cameras, USB-C chargers, Lightning Cable chargers, podcasting microphones, CAS calculators, adapters for interactive whiteboard connection, and headphones. Please note, unlike books these items must be returned the same day they are borrowed. If you need to borrow one of these items long-term, please speak to one of the librarians to get an overnight borrowing form. 



How do I find the book I am looking for?
You can search the library catalogue here. If you are having any trouble finding a book, please speak to a librarian for help. 

How many books can I borrow?
You can borrow 10 library books at a time.

How long can I borrow library books for?
Fiction and non-fiction books are 3-week loans. 
VCE Books are 6-night loans. These books have a red dot sticker on the side. 

Can I renew my books?
You can renew fiction and non-fiction books (3-week loans) as many times as you need. VCE Books (6-night loans) generally cannot be renewed. 
If you would like to renew any library items, please speak to one of the librarians or email us at

What happens if I lose or damage a library book?
If a book is lost or damaged while out in your name, it is expected it will be paid for. The same goes for any other equipment you may borrow from the library, i.e. chargers, adapters, laptops or cameras. 

How can I order a new ID card?
If you have lost your ID card, you can order a new one via Compass. In Compass, select the cog in the right hand corner and then scroll down to 'CompassIdentity Card'. On this page you can order a new ID card. It will cost $11.50 for a new ID Card and it should arrive in 7 or less days. 

Created by Michelle De Aizpurua